
Regelmäßige Verbesserungen für Ihr Hosting-Unternehmen.

Permanent veröffentlichen wir Aktualisierungen und Verbesserungen unserer Software. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie einen transparenten Überblick über alle bisher veröffentlichten Updates. Wir streben an, jeden Monat mindestens ein Update zu veröffentlichen.
Sobald ein Update verfügbar ist, erhalten Sie in Ihrer hostware Umgebung eine Mitteilung. Bei Fragen oder Anregungen können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden!


29.07.2024 (vor 1 Monat)

[added] cancellation manager to view, manage and cancel contract cancellations
[added] option to import existing contacts as customers from lexoffice
[added] initial version of the status page

[added] the hosting number can now be hidden on the invoice
[added] the product description can now be shown on the invoice
[improved] the invoice now contains proper payment details. E.g. if paid via billing agreement or needs manual payment in the control panel
[improved] invoices which will be collected with billing agreements are marked as such.
[added] note to invoices, when the invoice will be collected with billing agreements
[added] the invoice pdf is now attached to the invoice-created mail
[added] setting to hide the hosting number on the invoice
[added] setting to automatically send invoices via letter to all or only to manually selected customers
[added] invoices status and payments are now synchronized with remote integrations. If the status changes to paid in lexoffice, hostware will also mark the invoice as paid
[added] auto renew option for prepaid contracts via customer balance

[improved] added new workflow to create billing agreements during the order process

[fixed] HwSepaPayments: error with the bic collection for sepa mandates
[improved] Keyhelp: added username to the customfields


11.07.2024 (vor 1 Monat)

[added] file upload as product option
[added] usage billing for watts / kwh billing
[fixed] rescale with productOptions is now working properly if a 'factor' was used
[fixed] use default tax rate if the customer does not have a country saved
[fixed] invoice reminders and dunnings were not sent correctly depending on the date, fixed
[fixed] invoices with zero amount are marked as paid automatically
[fixed] the ticket-mail importer is now working properly with big mailboxes
[fixed] the tax of invoices is now calculated properly
[fixed] contract invoices were created although the contract was cancelled today
[fixed] the renew date was not calculated properly for prepaid renews

[improved] only show widgets the user has permissions to view
[added] permission to create/view notes
[added] overview for the global reminder / dunning states of invoices
[fixed] the invoice pagination is now compatible with the selection of statuses
[fixed] The domain config can now be edited again
[fixed] the stats page is now loading again with big amounts of contracts
[fixed] the invoice tax is now displayed correctly

[fixed] service summary for locked prepaid products
[added] the "my contracts" menu entry can now be hidden for prepaid providers

[fixed] lumaserv: mx records can now be handled
[fixed] Mollie: The 3DS implementation of creditcard agreements was fixed
[fixed] sevdesk: implemented changes of the sevdesk api for invoice creation


01.07.2024 (vor 2 Monaten)

[added] domain-sync to keep the domain portfolio up to date
[added] logging of ingoing api calls

[improved] the redirect to the request page after login is now working as expected
[added] added option to lock a customer for ordering new products
[added] manual creation of contracts
[fixed] pagination for customer detail pages

[added] added api management page for the customer, once api is enabled. Visit the api settings at settings, general, api

[initial release] ResellerInterface as domain integration
[initial release] Netcup for management of existing VPS
[fixed] HwInternetX: update and delete dns record is now working again


28.06.2024 (vor 2 Monaten)

[improved] Huge contract management update:
- contracts can now have multiple positions like hostings, domains or manual positions.
- Contracts on the same day will result in the same invoice
- Customers will receive a cancellation reminder one day before the requested cancellation is executed
- The renewing calculation of the service times is now exact. (So that a renewal by 3 months equals to 3 months and not 3x 30 days)
- The next possible cancellation date is now properly calculated
- Contract services can be managed in the administration area
- The customer can also view and manage all his active prepaid- or contract services
- Existing hostings and domains can be added to an existing contract to fully merge all customers products in one contract
- Single contract positions can also be removed via administrations (In the future also by customer)

[improved] Added support for different tax rates, the EU tax system and reverse charge
[added] host account management so customer accounts (e.g. plesk, keyhelp) are stored per host, not per customer as currently

[added] domains can now be deleted
[fixed] the search for domain portfolio
[fixed] the customer selection was not working in modals
[improved] tickets can now be assigned to staff members
[added] ticket deadlines and resubmission for a date in the future
[added] option to update domain handles at the registry (In the future also by customer)
[added] global search bar to the administration

[added] new uniform layout for all product detail dashboards
[added] support to display IDN / ascii domains
[added] customer address "extra" field

[fixed] InternetX: The domain importer now displays up to 2500 domains an includes child accounts
[fixed] Keyhelp: The hosting importer now supports multi-host environments
[improved] Plesk: The mailbox and database usage is now displayed
[initial release] Cryptomus: payments with crypto currency
[improved] Plesk: search for customer email before creation

[fixed] booking: error when displaying the status for manual products


14.05.2024 (vor 3 Monaten)

[added] ability to only show the available action buttons for a hosting (only implemented in proxmox)
[fixed] display the correct customer number in the dashboard

[added] Proxmox: option to reinstall the VPS
[added] Proxmox: option to insert / eject iso files
[fixed] Lumaserv: MX and CNAME DNS entries could not be deleted / updated
[improved] SepaPayment: added option to view details of an export

[added] the ability to edit custom fields of hostings
[added] widget-based admin dashboard
[improved] sorting / page switcher for customers, tickets and hostings
[improved] inverted ticket sorting with the "view all" option
[added] option to cancel an invoice
[added] option to manually create an invoice
[added] option to send letters to your customers directly from hostware

[added] option to offer free domains during product order
[added] syncing of invoice synchronizer contacts, once the customer or address data was changed
[added] usage-based billing for hosting products (only implemented in plesk)


12.04.2024 (vor 4 Monaten)

[added] option to sort product options
[added] option to cancel billing agreements
[added] page for mandate list
[added] option to cancel pending orders
[added] option to display the product details in the customer area
[fixed] bug which displayed already deleted hostings in the "failed rescales" message
[fixed] clear saleschannel cache when updating
[added] option to delete prepared support replies
[added] option to save notes for different entities
[added] bulk-option to set ip addresses private
[fixed] ipam bulk options are now working again
[added] option to define the vlan per ipam subnet (This must be changed for customers using the proxmox module)
[fixed] the active hostings sidebar now displays the correct product count
[added] option to manually capture disputes for invoice payments

[improved] added check during domain installation to prevent duplicate domains to be registrated
[added] newsletter opt out
[improved] "pay by invoice"-invoices with zero amounts wont be created
[improved] the swagger api documentation can now be annotated by modules
[fixed] bug which prevented imported hostings to be cancelled by the customer
[fixed] cache problem after installing modules with custom routes
[fixed] problem which prevented the search function to work in some cases
[improved] new orders are not automatically setup when a pending mandate was used
[fixed] period discount calculation
[fixed] set orders with pending billing agreement to pending instead of active
[fixed] product options: the option "dont show on invoice" does now work properly
[fixed] The passwort reset mail from the administration for a customer was not using the correct sales channel url
[improved] contract invoices are now automatically payed with balance, if sufficient
[improved] the rdns synchronization is now much faster with high amounts of ip addresses
[improved] pay by invoice now uses the customers credit to create an invoice payment

[fixed] the "rescale product"-button was visible, although all rescale products where unavailable
[fixed] bug which prevented unregistered customers from ordering when the option address was active
[added] domain pricelist cms element

[added] Stripe: direct debit payment method
[added] HosterApiVps: software installer
[fixed] HetznerCloud: fixed bug which prevented the productOptions to be loaded
[fixed] INWX: bugfix for domain transfers
[fixed] Proxmox: bugfix for console job which returned an exception when an empty hostgroup was existing
[improved] SepaPayment: added page to view current active mandates, added page to view and re-download past exports
[fixed] HwTenantosVps: the detail link resulted in a server error
[fixed] InternetX: sandbox authentication was not working properly
[improved] InternetX: fixed wrong expiry dates when importing domains
[added] Proxmox: Added host-group option for templates on one centralized node
[added] Tenantos: Added option to skip the installation for environments without dhcp


13.03.2024 (vor 5 Monaten)

[added] payment reminders and dunnings for open and due invoices
[fixed] bug where the price of grouped products inside a dynamic category was not updated properly
[improved] dont terminate contract cancellations where the installation status is in an error state
[fixed] bug where the invoice for an order was always marked as prepaid
[added] hostware Updater: improved update procedure between multiple versions at once
[added] hostware Updater: Added option for "custom paths", so hostware updates wont overwrite everything (This only works for the next version update!)
[fixed] caching problem for cms product pages
[added] payment intent ID to invoices for improved payment-invoice assigment
[fixed] issue with address validation while ordering domains
[added] "minimum order value" option
[added] API now validates required productOptions
[added] StorefrontException class to hide generic exceptions from customers
[fixed] additionally booked ip addresses where not provisioned
[fixed] issue with prepaid periods not sending some configured reminders
[fixed] error when no email server is configured

[added] option to refund invoice payments using the payment modules
[improved] tickets are now sorted by the the longest waiting time
[added] option to add a manual payment for an invoice
[added] option to pay invoice with an active mandate
[added] detail link to directly jump to the external integration for some modules
[added] ajax search for customer dropdown fields
[improved] you can now change ticket status and department inside the detail page
[added] Button to re-synchronize the invoice on error
[added] button to send password-reset mail to the customer

[improved] the product- and category-detail pages now support a seo title
[fixed] bug where the DPA generation was only shown if one of the GDPR-functions was enabled
[fixed] bug where a prepaid service renew resulted in a 404 when no payment periods where displayed
[added] GDPR compliant deletion method for customers
[added] contact form CMS element
[added] recaptcha validation for registration, checkout and contact form sending
[improved] hide unpaid prepaid invoices from the customer. Those invoices should only be internal and not visible to anyone.

[improved] HwTenantos: the tenantos GUI access is now also locked, when the hosting gets locked
[improved] HwTenantosVps: the tenantos GUI access is now also locked, when the hosting gets locked
[improved] InternetX: added config option for custom context
[initial release] Hetzner Cloud integration

[fixed] hostick: fixed domain spotlight info


09.01.2024 (vor 7 Monaten)

[added] quantity for cart hosting items
[improved] dont create invoices for unpaid prepaid invoices
[added] support for external dns providers (powerdns, cloudflare)
[improved] dynamic categories: added product group option
[fixed] bug with payment webhook
[improved] pay invoices with direct debit one day after invoice creation to have time for support
[fixed] bug for termination of cancelled contracts
[fixed] dont create a payable invoice when the customer renews the product with credit
[fixed] hide unavailable products in the product group
[added] setup price per unit to slider and number productOptions
[fixed] PM Tasks could not be upvoted
[added] added for admin notifications
[added] renew/billing function for domains
[fixed] bug if productOption has no mapping for the module
[fixed] bug in cart when the admin logged into a customer and places an order
[improved] added grouping and custom name templates to dynamic categories
[fixed] bug when sending newsletter with multiple sales channels
[fixed] only show backups which were created after the hosting creation date

[added] product-count-badges to menu service for productgroup routes
[fixed] product renew: only periods of the same type (prepaid or contract) are now shown
[fixed] the "open tickets" counter in the dashboard did not work properly with external ticket providers
[improved] domains: show a user-friendly message instead of an exception to the user
[improved] UX of the hosting rescale page
[fixed] invisible rescalable products were previously shown
[improved] billing mandates can now be created in the order process

[initial release] invoice ninja
[initial release] domain bestellsystem
[fixed] proxmox translation error
[fixed] sevdesk: api bug which prevented invoices to be generated
[fixed] InternetX: domain import, handle creation threw an error
[fixed] internetx: problem with handle creation during domain registration
[improved] tenantos dedicated: dynamic import now also imports already given server with stock 0
[improved] hosterapivps: location id must now be entered manually without dropdown
[improved] sepa lastschrift: Fehlerbehebungen beim XML-Export

[added] news
[added] translation manager
[added] acl permission system
[added] option to manually assign a hosting for unstocked products
[added] product tab to view all active hostings for the product
[added] ticket list and badges to customer detail page
[added] button to preview sent customer emails
[fixed] "remove search term button" now uses the correct url
[added] target option for menu entries
[added] product option for percentage setup fee
[fixed] pagination was not visible on the domain portfolio page
[improved] ticket attachments which are images can now be viewed without download
[fixed] design-bug with host location flags
[added] debug page for to view scheduled tasks performance
[improved] the customer link in the ticket view now opens in a new tab
[added] option to paginate the sales-stats month by month
[fixed] ticket notes are now visualized differently
[fixed] the ticket "show all" option does now work with the pagination
[improved] added hint to the success message, when the "ticket responded email" could not be sent to the customer
[added] customer_last_name variable to support signatures


22.11.2023 (vor 9 Monaten)

[added] project management feature
[added] software licensing module
[added] order confirmation mail template
[added] option to display prices as net
[added] free trial option for contract periods
[fixed] bug in ticketsystem which saved the wrong status when a customer answers
[fixed] bug with promotions where codes were not accepted if multiple promotions were running parallel
[improved] ipam address provisioning strategy during hosting installation

[added] media management
[added] option so mandates have to be reviewed by the admin
[added] option so products have to be approved by the admin before provisioning
[added] newsletter management
[added] ticket signatures (global or per admin)
[added] monthly and lifetime revenue display in the customer detail page
[fixed] bug which resulted in http 500 for module settings and module activations
[improved] settings: mail username / password are no longer required for whitelist-mailservers

[added] display the current pending orders to the customer
[added] country selection for customer registration
[added] option so customers are forces to setup a valid sepa mandate before placing an order
[fixed] bug with the description in the customers product list

[initial release] webuzo panel integration
[initial release] added module for manual sepa debit payments
[initial release] tenantos vps module
[fixed] InternetX: price sync did not work with custom domains
[fixed] Plesk: fixed issues when locking and deleting a hosting
[fixed] Teamspeak: a wrong password resulted in a successful connection test, this is now fixed
[improved] Teamspeak: error message during creation failure
[fixed] Lexoffice: bug which prevented the contacts to be created
[fixed] Lumaserv: http 500 when the authcode could not be fetched
[fixed] PayPal: successful payments where not integrated in the statistic because the paid_at date was not set by the module
[improvement] Tenantos dedicated: If no IPs are assigned in the hostware ipam, the tenantos ipam will be used as fallback


15.10.2023 (vor 10 Monaten)

[added] data processing agreements for customers:
[added] billing agreements to automatically collect open invoices via e.g. sepa direct debit
[added] option for external ticket systems: freescout
[added] implemented support for physical products, e.g. dedicated servers
[improved] set timezone to berlin
[implemented] product and category cms pages
[fixed] error in cart calculation to calculate the cheapest price of a product
[fixed] bug for dynamic categories when the profit margin was not entered
[added] mail admin notifications
[added] scheduled task to synchronize the product limit for each host

[added] HTML element to cms
[fixed] some input fields did not allow decimal points
[fixed] the affiliate verification page generated an error
[improved] translatable inputs now keep old values after validation errors
[improved] customerGroup color in listing is now more decent
[added] option to products if the customer should be able to manage the hosting or not (useful for managed products/services)

[improved] domain DNS management for customers
[improved] Visualization bug of setup fees in the checkout summary
[improved] display setup price for radio / checkout productOptions
[removed] grouping of action buttons on product page
[improved] use seo urls for products and categories
[fixed] bug where the customer could perform a package up/downgrade even if the module does not support rescales.

[initial release] added OpenProvider domain integration
[initial release] added GoCardless payment agreement integration
[improved] tenantos: removed dummy subnet functionality
[improved] tenantos: added option for dynamic categories to enter a custom server-tag

[fixed] booking: fixed product page navigation


26.09.2023 (vor 11 Monaten)

[added] registration: customer address can be optional
[added] registration: business details can be required
[added] option to disallow orders with VPN
[added] ability to provide custom css / js
[added] customer groups
[added] support for global webhooks (required for stripe)
[added] order endpoint to api docs

[improved] translations
[fixed] the temporary theme-reset
[improved] ticket creation modal, product selection dropdown: the status will now translate correctly

[fixed] inwx: error during domain import
[added] proxmox: cluster metrics
[improved] proxmox: unique hostname can be generated, e.g.
[initial release] stripe payment module

[added] metrics display
[added] admins can now open a ticket for a customer


07.09.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] 2fa for customers
[added] ability for a gdpr data download
[improved] data caching
[improved] invoices and vnc consoles are now opened in popups
[fixed] contract invoices can now select a payment method again

[added] invoices can now be booked by customer balance
[added] customer accounts can be locked
[added] product groups for better individualisation of products
[improved] customer detail page: orders, domains, mail log

[added] tickets can now be imported via email
[added] tickets can now have file extensions attached to messages
[added] customers can now pay on invoice and receive a cumulative invoice at the end of the month
[added] basic rest-api for customers inclucing auto-generated swagger docs
[added] product & category slugs for better urls

[HwProxmox] fixed missing settings in hostgroup settings (bug introduced in 0.2.3)


26.08.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

Main features:
+ Multi location system
+ Extensive promotion system
+ Customers can now reset their password
+ Customers can now upgrade entire products

[fixed] error during affiliate verification
[added] command to update the module statuses

[added] sorting of products, categories and payment periods
[added] support for multiple ticket departments
[added] products can now be duplicated
[added] admins can now "switch" the host of a hosting
[improved] display of mrr statistics
[added] database table sizes in debug settings

[added] Proxmox: customers can now switch cpu type of the VM
[added] Proxmox: VNC proxy
[initial release] aurologic ddos integration
[improved] DashservVps: added network page


06.08.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] PENDING_LOCK and PENDING_UNLOCK status for product hostings to prevent invisible "lock errors"
[added] metric collectors
[fixed] bug which prevented already unlocked products to lock again in the future
[fixed] the service price will change after a rescale
[improved] if a customer does not have an address, he must enter one during order process of a domain
[improved] locking jobs will retry once after 15 minutes to prevent temporary API failures
[added] ipam support for dynamic categories
[added] docs link for modules
[improved] if dynamic sources have temporary errors, products wont be deleted anymore

[improved] rescale of hostings will abort if no changes have been made
[added] customers can now edit their profiles
[improved] if no payment method is selected, an error will show
[added] affiliate system
[removed] external sources, added locally
[improved] the form spinner will not appear if the form has validation errors
[fixed] the close ticket button will only show when the ticket is not already closed

[added] customer detail page: view invoices

[initial release] tenantos
[fixed] sevdesk: Error which prevented sevdesk from working properly
[added] HwPterodacty: allocations and database fields

[improved] HostX: compatibility with navigation
[added] pterodactyl: productOption for the server name


06.07.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[improved] dynamic categories now only remove the source after 5 errors, not one (this prevents false-positive hickups of api requests)
[improved] also round-up the remaining runtime for prepaid products (before, runtime was always rounded down)

[fixed] display error when the module cannot get the dns settings
[improved] graph labels will now use the best matching date format
[fixed] display error message to customer for up/downgrades when no option is changable
[improved] product hosting: only show the pages list if more than one page is available

[fixed] display the street number for domain contacts
[fixed] the jobStatus component will now be removed from your session if the jobStatus was deleted
[improved] only show ticket prepared reply categories if they have visible items
[improved] ticket reply empty the textarea after response has been sent
[added] visibility status for menu items
[added] third-level menu items for navigations

[improved] pterodactyl: parse the error message
[added] HosterApiVps: up/downgrade and password reset option
[improved] HwInternetX: add support for custom api domains
[fixed] HwProxmox: the log duration will only show if the duration is positive and the job is finished

[improved] updated all themes (booking, hostick, hostx) to match current standards


20.06.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[refactored] small parts of order handling

[fixed] import of domains was not working properly
[added] added modal to manually assign an existing IPAM IP to an existing hosting
[added] message if hosting/domain was imported (who and when)
[removed] unnecessary ipam pool selection on the hostgroup page

[fixed] Lexoffice: error handling
[improved] proxmox: the vm import now checks the ip addresses using the guest agent if no cloud init is configured


17.06.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] import of already existing domains
[fixed] bug where a subnet cannot be created without a rdns host
[improved] added host usage to host table
[improved] design of internal links
[fixed] error where ipam subnet cannot be deleted because of "ip assignments" (which was wrong)
[added] config option for small business without tax

[added] daily laravel log rotation to prevent gigabyte big files
[added] the configured "admin contacts" will now be used for domain creations
[fixed] error where the public directory of a hostware update package would not be updated
[improved] unset the rdns of ip addresses during hosting deletion

[fixed] Nextcloud: password must contain a special character
[improved] proxmox: added support for different login realms other than "pam"
[fixed] pterodactyl: error which prevented importing existing hostings

[fixed] only show the backup delete button if the delete function is implemented


13.06.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[Improved] save and display the error messsage if invoice cannot synchronize
[Added] Contract periods
[Added] creation of contract invoices on due date
[Added] non-ssl option for rDNS hosts
[Fixed] bug of hosting import after 0.1.7
[Added] option for contract periods
[Added] Due date for invoices
[improved] made the host port an optional field
[added] disabling of cms pages for the salesChannel

[improved] display cheapest price to product card
[added] devider to "buy hostings" menu dropdown for each category
[added] option to manually pay an open contract invoice
[added] new user-friendly error page

[added] list of associated invoices in the hosting detail view
[added] MRR stats for contract based services
[added] display invoice synchronization error on invoice list and detail page
[added] new error page with direct-log download button
[added] option to disable the cms (use hostware just as billing / management tool)
[added] option to use a different domain for a standalone cart

[fixed] Mollie: Bug where the invoice was marked as cancelled after unsuccessful payment
[fixed] Proxmox: Bug where a custom container was displayed in the admin hosting view, even if the module was not proxmox
[Fixed] Proxmox: Backups are now listed from the configured backup storage instead of local
[improved] Proxmox: The host port can now be disabled by entering -1
[fixed] Proxmox: vps backups could not be deleted due an permission error
[fixed] Nextcloud: fixed "group not found" error when no group was configured


31.05.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[fixed] error where you could not update subnet details
[added] visual identification of ip count to pool overview
[added] subnet table for child-subnets
[fixed] bug for domains + hosting view pages where the lock/delete buttons did not show up after 0.1.4
[improved] host test-connection will now be executed on every save
[added] ipam settings in module tab
[improved] added toggle for host password field
[added] ipam list in hosting detail view
[added] success color for the log tree in e.g. hosting details views
[added] product distribution stats
[added] TLS checkbox for the mailing settings
[added] checkboxes if productOptions can be up- or downgraded
[fixed] bug with payment periods where reminders could not be added
[added] historical rescale overview on product hosting detail page
[added] Alert to "active hosting list" if hostings or rescales have an error
[improved] moved the product import button from customers to hostings
[fixed] bug in LogService
[added] checkbox on invoice page to only show "sales/money" invoices
[fixed] bug on dashboard onboarding workflow for products
[removed] status selections for hosts
[improved] ipam page sceleton

[added] IpamAssignmentHelper
[added] ipv6 subnet support for the ipam
[fixed] TemplateFinder is now compatible with admin area
[added] IMPORTANT (!) abstract class HwModuleRouteServiceProvider and HwModuleRouteServiceProvider for modules to remove redundancy
[added] ipam address+subnet for log references
[added] fetching of ipam resources in InstallHostingJob
[added] rdns hosts
[added] logging if cannot send mail for customer on ticket creation
[added] admin notification if hosting installation failed
[added] rescale for products
[fixed] bug where the InstallHostingJob fails when no productOptions where configured
[added] Automatically create invisible productOptions for product ipam address orders
[added] passwordReset shortcut trait for hostings
[added] the cart page can now be viewed with the get parameter ?cartToken= to view a specific cart
[fixed] error with ServerHostingBackupTrait if the product was imported
[updated] CustomerProductMappingItem to support ipam addresses and creationData

[fixed] bug in CartCalculatorHelper to append the productOption suffix to the label
[added] Save rDNS button for ip address

[fixed] plesk: connection test for reseller accounts
[fixed] InternetX: refactored the import of domains so "@" sign in the password does not make trouble anymore
[fixed] Lexoffice: synchronization error
[added] Proxmox: first version
[added] mailcow: first version
[added] paypal: first version


05.04.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] menu items can now be deleted
[improved] added several missing breadcrumb translations
[fixed] product price step
[fixed] removed double euro mark as of v0.1.4
[fixed] queue html display error
[added] ssh queue commands for troubleshooting

[fixed] bug, where payment webhook failed the logging

[fixed] mollie: payments above 1000 € threw an error
[fixed] lexoffice: bug in serviceProvider
[improved] teamspeak: added user and token pages
[added] inwx: domain reselling
[added] nextcloud: storage sharing
[removed] keyhelp: unused file dependencies


27.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] numberRange type "all", if you e.g. just want to add a number prefix for all types
[fixed] error with translatable inputs
[fixed] twig error on customer mapping page
[fixed] twig error on salesChannel creation page


17.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[converted] administration from blade to twig file structure
[added] ipam management
[improved] made TLD prices paginate and searchable
[added] bulk checkboxes for tables
[added] download laravel log debug button
[added] authenticated adminer access
[improved] completely hide the sales channel selection, if only one sales channel exists!

[fixed] error in BillingLifecycleService which excluded hostings from notifications
[fixed] payment webhook issue which resulted in http 500
[fixed] error when the payment
[added] sentry composer package

[Improved] Virtualizor: error handling during VPS creation


09.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[Finalized] backup shortcut trait
[Added] graph shortcut trait

[Added] possibility to change service details (price, next renew)
[Improved] new design + better function for log trees
[Added] Buttons to lock, unlock and delete a hosting product
[Improved] input fields with keys, tokens etc. are now password fields which can be toggled

[Improved] error messages on product detail page
[Added] cross-links to domain index page
[Fixed] payment method balance does not show if amount is identical to balance
[Fixed] account domain page: empty status

[Fixed] InternetX: issue when creating the zone
[Fixed] Pterodactyl: issue when creating a server and backups where not configured
[Improved] Virtualizor: added graphs and backup function


05.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[Improved] Increased background update checking interval
[Added] human-readable 404 page instead of json
[Fixed] issue when the TLD is not supported by HwWhois
[Added] Hosting Module shortcut traits
[Fixed] OrderLifecycleService set order to provisioning to handle errors afterwards
[Fixed] OrderLifecycleService save correct domain nameservers
[Improved] CMS default section size set to boxed
[Fixed] issue when importing TLD pricing from excel with whitespace
[Added] host delete function
[Improved] bad validation for basic config settings
[Fixed] cache issue when starting the update process
[Improved] sort tickets by last answer date
[Added] category delete function
[Fixed] issue with sales stats which where wrong calculated
[Added] storefront register: email unique validation
[Fixed] issue where a custom domain cms page would not load
[Fixed] host user/pass/port are not required anymore
[Fixed] issue where an InstallHostingJob would fail if no hostGroup was set
[Added] log registration of customer
[Fixed] HasCustomFieldsTrait handled booleans wrong
[Improved] do not show domain default payment periods in selection
[Improved] show product URL to sales channel
[Improved] show productOption error when mapping is empty
[Improved] show error in storefront when no paymentPeriod is added to the product
[fixed] default category whitespace

[Fixed] keyhelp: product creation issue with username
[Fixed] InternetX: pricelist issue
[Fixed] Mollie: exception when keys where not saved
[Added] virtualizor: backup functions


03.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[fixed] added InternetX price sync
[added] hint for customer view, that the customer has deleted products
[fixed] issue for defaultPaymentPeriods for products
[fixed] DynamicCategoryService created a new productOptionGroup every time


03.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[changed] remote update server to official hostware versioning
[fixed] issue with invoicePayment for credit topups introduced in 0.0.8
[fixed] issue with html strings in administration


02.03.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[added] sync dynamic category as kernel command
[added] administration message structure
[fixed] issue with locking and deleting services
[added] sources_synced_at for dynamic categories
[removed] completed column from invoice payments, use status instead
[fixed] http 500, when customer orders and admin notifications are not enabled!
[added] HwSystem queue for internal jobs
[fixed] CMS: saving issue when an element is created in a new section at the same time
[added] List of admins in the settings
[fixed] sender name for the ConnectionCheck mail
[fixed] issue with jobStatus helper when the job has failed
[added] instantly dispatch a SynchronizeDynamicCategoryJob when saving a dynamic category
[fixed] Missing validation for adding customer balance description
[fixed] Customer's default status is now active. The status dropdown has been commented out because it has no function at the moment.
[fixed] country width issue with translatable input fields
[fixed] product stock should only be numbers
[added] product option suffix
[removed] order payments tab because it currently has no function
[fixed] ticket messages in the admin panel now display line breaks
[added] show min/max values for sliders in storefront


26.02.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[Fixed] Dashboard product create link
[Fixed] admin tip language
[Fixed] error where you could not create a category

[Added] "Create product" Button is disabled when no category was created

[Removed] a lot of unused assets from themes to reduce bundle size


25.02.2023 (vor 1 Jahr)

[ADDED] Dynamic category sources
[ADDED] Keyhelp, Teamspeak, Virtualizor, Lexoffice, Dedicated modules
... a lot more


05.11.2022 (vor 1 Jahr)

[ADDED] Hosts & host groups
[ADDED] Some modules require hosts (like plesk) which also offer connection test
[ADDED] Pterodactyl module
[ADDED] Plesk module


24.10.2022 (vor 1 Jahr)

[ADDED] Possibility to view products from remote integration and map them to existing customers


22.10.2022 (vor 1 Jahr)

Alpha-test of self-updater


07.10.2022 (vor 1 Jahr)

Initial pre-alpha release